Sunday, December 30, 2007

Coping with a job and the needs of aging parents

Being a caregiver isn’t easy, as any of us can tell you. One of the greatest pressures is the need to be earning an income for our own family just as our parents or other aging relatives need more and more hands-on help.

At Family & Friends of the Aging, we’re compiling opportunities for flexible or alternative-type jobs that will allow a caregiver to continue earning an income while caring for his or her own aging family members.

Here’s one idea that may help you meet both of those objectives. If there isn’t an adult day care in your area, consider starting one. There could be many benefits to you and the seniors who attend, as well as to your own aging parents.

Check out this suggestion, and be sure to share with us how you cope with the pressures of a job AND caring for the elders in your family.

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