Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fund Raising in 2008

Tonight I attended a major fundraiser for The Soup Kitchen in my city. The affair is casual, attended by a list of who's who mixed with the regular "joe", all of whom care about the poor and economically depressed in the city. The funds raised at this event serve the needs of the homeless and unemployed as well as Meals on Wheels, a service to the elderly and homebound who often have to choose between buying medication or food to survive.

I am proud to serve on the Board of Directors of CCMI (Community Cooperative Ministries). CCMI operates the Soup Kitchen, Meals on Wheels, Hands and Hearts Montessori School, and Faith in Action, transporting the aging to appointments, grocery shopping and other errands. Our number of individuals served is showing phenominal growth. Currently, this is affected by the economic conditions in our area, and while I am pleased we are able to meet the challenge of steadily increasing meals to serve and increasing food and fuel costs, it is a sad commentary on the state of our local economy.

Thank you to all who contribute to our community and to our cause. God Bless you.

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